Steering Committee
The views of the committee members are their own and membership of this steering committee denotes involvement in the organisation of this conference only.
Stephen Barrett, M.D.
Stephen Barrett is a retired psychiatrist, author, co-founder of the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF), and the webmaster of Quackwatch. He focuses on consumer protection, medical ethics, and scientific scepticism. In 2020, Quackwatch became part of the Center for Inquiry; CFI will maintain its various websites and collections.
Stacie Bosley, Ph.D.
Stacie Bosley is an economist with a Ph.D. in Applied Economics from the University of Minnesota. She is the Kahlert Professor of Economics at Hamline University, Minnesota. She has served as an expert witness for the FTC in pyramid scheme cases. Her work on MLMs has been published in the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, the Journal of Financial Crime, the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics and Economic Inquiry.
Douglas M Brooks, Esq.
Douglas M. Brooks is an attorney who has litigated class actions against MLM schemes, including Webster v. Omnitrition International, Inc., 779 F.3d 776 (9th Cir. 1996), cert. den., 519 U.S. 865 (1996), as well as cases against Herbalife, Nu Skin, Melaleuca and Consumers Buyline and others. He has also represented, pro bono, consumer advocates who have been sued by MLM companies and cults, including NXIVM v. Ross Institute, 364 F.3d 471 (2nd Cir. 2004), cert. den., 543 U.S. 1000 (2004). He was featured in the award winning documentary “Betting on Zero” in which he represented victims of the MLM Herbalife.
Alanda Carter (The Recovering Hunbot)
Alanda Carter is an Instructional Design professional with a proven ability to design and develop innovative learning solutions supporting business objectives. After surviving breast cancer, Alanda faced professional uncertainty and was drawn to the multilevel marketing industry. Today, Alanda continues to support learning solutions by day and by night she analyzes multilevel marketing opportunities, interviews former distributors, and interviews a variety of experts on her popular YouTube channel.
Sarah Casteel
Sarah Casteel is a second year law student at Cardozo School of Law in New York City. Her interest in the anti-MLM movement is both personal, due to her own experiences and observations, and also academic and law-oriented. She is currently writing a journal note which explores legal and non-legal methods to address the harm caused by MLMs, including social media bans, private enforcement through litigation, Attorney General actions, financial sector liability for failure to report potential money laundering and fraud, and more.
Bruce Craig, Esq.
Bruce Craig is an attorney retired from the Wisconsin Department of Justice after 30 years of service as Assistant Attorney General. His primary responsibility was as a litigating attorney in its Office of Consumer Protection, and his duties included a number of cases against pyramid schemes. He was also involved in anti-trust litigation and in the area of criminal appeals. He now lives in New York, and has been active on Seeking Alpha and other forums dealing with the subject of pyramid schemes.
Robert Fitzpatrick
Robert L. FitzPatrick is co-founder and president of the US-based non-profit consumer education and advocacy group, Pyramid Scheme Alert. He has served as expert witness and consultant in more than 30 court cases against pyramid schemes or MLMs. In 2020 he wrote and published Ponzinomics, the Untold Story of Multi-Level Marketing, the first comprehensive book on the multi-level marketing phenomenon, detailing its origin and history, recruiting and cult-persuasion methods and political influence-buying activities.
Claudia Groß, Ph.D.
Claudia is an assistant professor at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, at the department for Organizational Design and Development. Her main interest is on how to design organizations that support ethical behaviour and how to ‘translate’ academic knowledge into better organizational practices. Since completing her PhD on the MLM industry in Germany, she is interested in and concerned about the manifold and widespread unethical practices in the industry.
Jason Jones, Esq.
Jason Jones is an attorney and advocate for the victims of manipulation fraud. Jason wrote a popular website that exposed and discussed manipulative online scams, and was counsel on a multi year nationwide putative class action against Herbalife and forty of its top distributors for the deceptive manner in which they operated their live event system. Jason is currently an Assistant Attorney General at the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia where he works on antifraud and worker’s rights cases.
William Keep, Ph.D.
William W. Keep is a professor of marketing and former dean of business and interim provost at The College of New Jersey. He has assisted state and federal prosecutors in the prosecution of pyramid schemes and has been quoted in the press (The Atlantic, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg/ BusinessWeek, Financial Times, New York Times, Forbes, etc.) as an expert on multilevel marketing. With Dr. Peter Vander Nat (senior economics, FTC, retired), Dr. Keep published academic articles on multilevel marketing, pyramid schemes, and the evolution of direct selling in the United States.
Hannah Martin
Hannah Martin is the founder of Talented Ladies Club, an online magazine and training portal for ambitious women. She's an award-winning copywriter with over 23 years' experience working for some of the world's top ad agencies and brands, and is a qualified psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner. Hannah has been investigating and publishing articles on the MLM industry since 2017.
D Anthony Miles, Ph.D.
D. Anthony Miles is a nationally known Startup and Marketing expert. He is a serial entrepreneur, an award-winning researcher, award-winning professor, statistician, legal expert witness, business expert, and bestselling author. Dr. Miles has been featured on numerous nationally syndicated media. He is also a forensic marketing expert. He has conducted research on multilevel marketing for over 15 years.
Máire O Sullivan, Ph.D.
Lecturing at Munster Technological University in Ireland, Dr. Máire O Sullivan's research is focused on female consumer behaviour. She has written for The Conversation on the anti-MLM movement and researched MLM advertising targeting women in particular. Her PhD is from University College Cork and her dogs zoom-bomb a lot of committee meetings.
Peter Vander Nat, Ph.D.
Peter J. Vander Nat, Ph.D. (University of Notre Dame) served for 15+ years as senior economic expert at the FTC regarding pyramid schemes and has submitted numerous declarations to federal courts. Along with co-author Dr. Bill Keep, he has published articles on pyramid schemes vs. legitimate multilevel marketing. Upon retiring from the FTC in 2014, he remains an active expert witness for government prosecution of pyramid schemes.
Elizabeth Villagomez, Ph.D.
Elizabeth Villagomez is an economist that has researched MLMs from a gender perspective. She has worked for UN entities as global and regional adviser on women's economic empowerment as well as an international consultant. She has also worked extensively for the EU Commission and Parliament, and the European Institute for Gender Equality on employment, social inclusion, gender equality, and discrimination.